All items 12/25/2011

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All items 12/24/2011

  • bstract Today’s Internet appliances feature user interface technologies almost unknown a few years ago: touch screens, styli, handwriting and voice recognition, speech synthesis, tiny screens, and more. This richness creates problems. First, different appliances use different languages: WML for cell phones; SpeechML, JSML, and VoxML for voice enabled devices such as phones; HTML and XUL for desktop computers, and so on. Thus, developers must maintain multiple source code families to deploy interfaces to one information system on multiple appliances. Second, user interfaces differ dramatically in complexity (e.g, PC versus cell phone interfaces). Thus, developers must also manage interface content. Third, developers risk writing appliance-specific interfaces for an appliance that might not be on the market tomorrow. A solution is to build interfaces with a single, universal language free of assumptions about appliances and interface technology. This paper introduces such a language, the User Interface Markup Language (UIML), an XML-compliant language. UIML insulates the interface designer from the peculiarities of different appliances through style sheets. A measure of the power of UIML is that it can replace hand-coding of Java AWT or Swing user interfaces. Keywords: UIML, XML, user interfaces, accessibility, handheld/mobile devices

    tags: xml mobile gui design development database driven interaction application

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All items 12/14/2011

  • Welcome to the workspace for the main report of the Horizon Project. This wiki is a place for the members of the Horizon Project Advisory Board to manage the selection process for the topics included in the NMC Horizon Report: 2012 Higher Education Edition, which is published by the New Media Consortium (NMC) in collaboration with the EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative (ELI), an EDUCUASE Program.

    tags: media trends research analyse

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

All items 12/13/2011

  • "YUMI (Your Universal Multiboot Installer), is the successor to MultibootISOs. It can be used to create a Multiboot USB Flash Drive containing multiple operating systems, antivirus utilities, disc cloning, diagnostic tools, and more. Contrary to MultiBootISO's which used grub to boot ISO files directly from USB, YUMI uses syslinux to boot extracted distributions stored on the USB device, and reverts to using grub to Boot Multiple ISO files from USB, if necessary."

    tags: usb linux boot windows tools

  • This site provides a collection of schemas, i.e., html tags, that webmasters can use to markup their pages in ways recognized by major search providers. Search engines including Bing, Google, Yahoo! and Yandex rely on this markup to improve the display of search results, making it easier for people to find the right web pages.
    Many sites are generated from structured data, which is often stored in databases. When this data is formatted into HTML, it becomes very difficult to recover the original structured data. Many applications, especially search engines, can benefit greatly from direct access to this structured data. On-page markup enables search engines to understand the information on web pages and provide richer search results in order to make it easier for users to find relevant information on the web. Markup can also enable new tools and applications that make use of the structure.

    tags: vocabulaire Metadata Publisher Learning resources Framework schema microformats seo microdata search semantic web html

  • Today Creative Commons and the Association of Educational Publishers (AEP) announce the Learning Resource Metadata Initiative, a project aimed at improving education search and discovery via a common framework for tagging and organizing learning resources on the web. The learning resources framework will be designed to work with, the web metadata framework recently launched by Google, Bing, and Yahoo!, as well as to work with other metadata technologies and to enable other rich applications.

    tags: vocabulaire Metadata Publisher Learning resources Framework

  • The Learning Resource Metadata Initiative is a project co-led by the Association of Educational Publishers and Creative Commons to build a common metadata vocabulary for educational resources.

    tags: vocabulaire Metadata Publisher

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All items 12/10/2011

    • Examenprogramma -
      Handreiking schoolexamen -
      Vakdossiers -
      Examenprogramma -
      Handreiking schoolexamen -
      Vakdossiers -
      Voorbeelden Tule -
      Doorkijkjes Tule -
  • The 7th EdReNe seminar took place in the town of Chasseneuil-du-Poitou near Poitiers, France; organized and hosted by CNDP, Centre National de Documentation Pédagogique. The themes of the two days of presentations and discussions:*Educational repositories strategies: with a focus on repositories containing free and commercial content*Repositories and initiatives with perspectives on mobile devices*Repositories with resources for special education needs*News on European projects*Curriculum mapping news & projects*News from members and participants

    tags: repositories collectie leermiddelen edrene metadata vocabulaire thesaurus Reuse learning objects education onderwijs

  • Docenten die vrienden worden met leerlingen op Facebook of Hyves. Leerlingen die filmpjes van leraren op YouTube zetten. Tweets over de school door medewerkers van de school. Hoe ga je daarmee om? De Besturenraad stelde een modelprotocol sociale media op. Sociale media zijn niet meer weg te denken uit de samenleving. En ook niet uit de scholen. Maar er dient wel zorgvuldig mee te worden omgegaan.

    tags: sociale media beleid richtlijnen school onderwijs

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

All items 12/08/2011

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

All items 12/07/2011

  • De Jeugdthesaurus is een lijst met trefwoorden uit de jeugdsector. Bij de omschrijving van de termen vindt u ook links naar relevante andere termen. Bij 'gesloten jeugdzorg' kunt u bijvoorbeeld doorklikken naar 'jeugdbescherming' en 'ots'. De Jeugdthesaurus bevat ruim 2100 begrippen en is een deelselectie uit de Thesaurus Zorg en Welzijn. U kunt de Jeugdthesaurus raadplegen door hierboven een letter aan te klikken.

    tags: thesaurus onderwijs vocabulaire begrippen

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

All items 12/06/2011

  • EQUELLA is a digital repository that provides one system to house your teaching and learning, research, media and library content. EQUELLA has been deployed for copyright resource collections, research materials, managing and exposing materials through web sites and portals, content authoring, workflow, institutional policy and document management. EQUELLA is currently in use in a wide range of schools, districts, universities, community colleges, state systems and departments of education, government agencies, and corporations worldwide.

    tags: web vocabulaire standaard Repository collectie metadata leermiddelen

  • "The overall aim of the SECURE project is to make a significant contribution to a European knowledge-based society by providing relevant research data that can serve as the basis for a public debate among policy makers and other stakeholders on how MST curricula and their delivery can be improved in order to encourage and prepare children from an early age on for future careers in Math, Science and Technology (MST), whilst at the same time making MST more accessible and enjoyable for all children so that they will keep a vivid interest in science and technology, and understand the importance of their societal role, throughout their adult lives"

    tags: math science Technology curriculum education

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

All items 12/03/2011

  • At the beginning of this year, Waag Society organized the first 'Apps contest' in The Netherlands, called 'Apps for Amsterdam'. The purpose of this contest was to stimulate the use of local data from the City of Amsterdam (one of t partners in the project) through newly developed Apps (mobile or web-based), following the concept of innovativ contests like 'Apps for Democracy'.

    tags: apps mobil design development

  • Users as Designers is the main design philosophy of Waag Society. It states that real users should be the ones to define design requirements. When the user and designer work together according to this design philosophy, they both take on multiple roles throughout the design process. In this publication, Waag Society focuses on a hands-on description of its methods. Hereby, we hope to spread the use of Users as Designers; improve our own understanding by sharing and learning from the responses, and eventually sowing and growing seeds of change that we hope will flourish. Less

    tags: design fabrication lab oeb

  • Early education is critical in shaping a child’s learning skills and attitudes. That’s why it always requires extra care and attention. Today, it is additionally expected to meet the needs of the digital native generation.

  • t Fablab is bedoeld voor iedereen die iets wil maken met behulp van elektronisch apparatuur die normaal niet tot de beschikking staat van het algemene publiek. Iedereen mag binnenlopen in het FabLab in Catalyst en gebruik maken van de apparaten (wie het eerst komt, wie het eerst maalt). Brainport Development onderzo momenteel een opzet waarbij bedrijven en particulieren machinetijd kunnen inhure Ze hebben gedurende die tijd de volledige beschikking over computergestuurde machines. Het lab wordt ingericht in een ruimte van ruim vijftig vierkante meter. Er zullen maximaal vijftien personen tegelijk in het lab aanwezig kunnen zijn.

    tags: fabrication lab open hardware

  • Arduino is an open-source electronics prototyping platform based on flexible, easy-to-use hardware and software. It's intended for artists, designers, hobbyists, and anyone interested in creating environments.

    tags: fabrication lab open hardware OEB

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

All items 12/02/2011

  • Global Conflicts “Global Conflicts” is an award-winning educational game series used for teaching citizenship, geography, and media courses. The series allows students to explore and learn about different conflicts throughout the world and the underlying themes of democracy, human rights, globalization, terrorism, climate and poverty. The game series is easy to use for teachers and is developed with close attention to curriculum requirements and ease of use in classroom teaching. Let your students experience what the

    tags: simulation education game serious games

  • erious Games Interactive is an award-winning, research-based developer of games, simulations and virtual worlds. We offer a unique blend of competences within games, learning and storytelling. Our focus is to use technology and game mechanics to bring ideas to life and deliver engaging learning experiences. We work with corporations, state agencies, NGOs and other organizations to meet our clients' specific needs and create r

    tags: gaming serious elearning e-learning

  • Curatr motivates your learners to truly engage Curatr enables organisations to transform their existing learning content into a social-game, increasing engagement and harnessing the power of collective intelligence to deliver exceptional learning outcomes.

    tags: social gaming

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

All items 11/30/2011

  • Over Venster - Venster biedt docenten en leerlingen een actuele selectie uit het grote aanbod van filmpjes, liedjes, teksten en geluidsfragmenten op internet. Wekelijks uitgebreid met nieuw materiaal en altijd met oefeningen of opdrachten erbij. Dus uitstekend bruikbaar als aanvullend les- of oefenmateriaal! Venster is er voor verschillende vakken in het voortgezet onderwijs.

    tags: leermiddelen Uitgeverij Digitaal collectie oefening Media

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

All items 11/29/2011

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

All items 11/28/2011

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

All items 11/25/2011

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

All items 11/23/2011

  • Self-regulated learning is important for learning in complex computerized learning environments. The global knowledge society demands students gain self-regulated learning skills to turn into successful life-long learners. However, practice and research have shown that many students lack the skills to adequately regulate their learning. Recent interdisciplinary developments in technology enhanced learning approach this problem by developing computerized scaffolding to foster self-regulated learning. This symposium aims to discuss these interdisciplinary developments with the Dutch research community.  

    tags: Learning Environment Knowledge management

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

All items 11/22/2011

  • Inhoudelijke standaarden - Referentie Onderwijs Sector Architectuur (ROSA). De ROSA is de invulling van de Nederlandse Overheids Referentie Architectuur (NORA) voor de sector onderwijs. In de ROSA worden behalve principes, richtlijnen ook landelijke of waar nodig sectorale bouwstenen aangegeven die samenwerking in ketens moeten bevorderen. De ROSA wordt na behandeling door de Architectuurraad OCW (ARO) geaccordeerd door het MT/OCW.

    tags: standaard data semantic web ocw ict Interoperability beleid richtlijnen principles duo

  • Gegevensproducten - Semantisch Model Onderwijs. Het Semantisch Model Onderwijs is een conceptueel onderwijssectoroverstijgend model waarin de 'gespreksonderwerpen' in de sector onderwijs en hun onderlinge relaties en relaties met landelijk onderkende objecten zijn beschreven.

    tags: vocabulaire semantic web 3.0 Interoperability

  • Object Constraint Language From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    The Object Constraint Language (OCL) is a declarative language for describing rules that apply to Unified Modeling Language (UML) models developed at IBM and now part of the UML standard. Initially, OCL was only a formal specification language extension to UML.[1] OCL may now be used with any Meta-Object Facility (MOF) Object Management Group (OMG) meta-model, including UML.[2] The Object Constraint Language is a precise text language that provides constraint and object query expressions on any MOF model or meta-model that cannot otherwise be expressed by diagrammatic notation. OCL is a key component of the new OMG standard recommendation for transforming models, the Queries/Views/Transformations (QVT) specification.

    tags: web semantic vocabulaire standaard 3.0

  • Semantics of Business Vocabulary and Business Rules
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaThe Semantics of Business Vocabulary and Business Rules (SBVR) is an adopted standard of the Object Management Group (OMG) intended to be the basis for formal and detailed natural language declarative description of a complex entity, such as a business. SBVR is intended to formalize complex compliance rules, such as operational rules for an enterprise, security policy, standard compliance, or regulatory compliance rules. Such formal vocabularies and rules can be interpreted and used by computer systems. SBVR is an integral part of the OMG’s Model Driven Architecture (MDA).

    tags: semantic web 3.0 vocabulaire standaard

  • Welkom op de site van Rekenboog.zml. Op deze site vinden scholen, leraren en begeleiders van zeer moeilijk lerenden uitgebreide, praktische informatie over betekenisvol reken-wiskundeonderwijs.Kern van de site is het deel waarin u bij gegeven doelen voor zml snel bijpassende lessen kunt vinden. De lessen zijn snel te vinden, gratis te downloaden en eenvoudig aan te passen aan uw school, uw groep en uw leerlingen.

    tags: leerlijnen Voorbeeld visualisatie kerndoelen zml Tussendoelen inhouden domein vaardigheden slo po speciaal onderwijs so vso

  • Betekenisvol rekenen-wiskunde voor zeer moeilijk lerenden. Beschrijvingen van inhouden en tussendoelen gekoppeld aan voorbeeld leermiddelen in de vorm van lessen. De leerlijnen zijn visueel weergegeven voor verschillende niveaus

    tags: leerlijnen Voorbeeld visualisatie kerndoelen zml Tussendoelen inhouden domein vaardigheden slo po speciaal onderwijs vso so

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

All items 11/19/2011

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

All items 11/18/2011

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

All items 11/16/2011

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

All items 11/15/2011

  • Deze infowijzer helpt docenten op weg in de wereld van auteurstools. Wat voor verschillende soorten zijn er? Wat zijn belangrijke aandachtspunten bij de keuze voor een tool? Welke oefeningen wilt u bijvoorbeeld in uw leermateriaal gebruiken? Wilt u deze oefeningen ook zelf kunnen programmeren? En hoe zorgt u ervoor dat het materiaal ook in een elektronische leeromgeving gebruikt kan worden?

    tags: arrangeren authoring Tools elo Onderwijs

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

All items 11/11/2011

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

All items 11/09/2011

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

All items 11/08/2011

  • On the Web, we often see what we like, and like what we see. Whether we know it or not, the Internet creates personalized e-comfort zones for each one of us… And what’s wrong with that? Plenty, according to Eli Pariser, the author of ‘The Filter Bubble: What the Internet Is Hiding From You.’ Personalization on the Web, he says, is becoming so pervasive that we may not even know what we’re missing: the views and voices that challenge our own thinking.

    tags: google Media Privacy Search Internet Personalisatie manipulation

  • "De Lesfabriek voor taalrijk onderwijs is een computerprogramma waarmee je snel lessen kunt maken. Het is een Word-applicatie met allerlei taalgerichte opdrachten die gekozen en bewerkt kunnen worden voor een taak, lesbrief of lessenserie. De opdrachten zijn ingedeeld in algemeen, context, interactie en taalsteun en helpen bij het benoemen van het onderwerp, de leerdoelen, het te maken eindproduct, het bewaken van de voortgang en de beoordeling en reflectie."

    tags: taal nederlands ict Reflectie Tool planning lesmateriaal

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

All items 11/05/2011

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

All items 11/04/2011

  • EUN THESAURUS - SYSTEMATIC DISPLAYTerms have been grouped in the so-called Microthesauri (MT), that is sections/facets of the conceptual field identifying the scope of the thesaurus. The list of micro thesauri can be seen in the left pane. They all have an identifier, e.g. 70.20. Clicking on a MT name shows the subgroups in the right pane. Each sub-group has a top term meaning that it hasn't a broader term.

    tags: vocabulary vocabulaire Europe collection thesaurus standaard edrene

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

All items 10/27/2011

  • "Bijzondere kinderen vragen een bijzondere aanpak en bijzonder lesmateriaal. De bijdragen op leerzorgsite werden uit het aanbod van KlasCement geselecteerd, omwille van hun bruikbaarheid bij kinderen met een beperking. De documenten, artikels, websites, programma's, … werden kritisch geëvalueerd op eenvoudig taalgebruik, het aanbieden van visuele ondersteuning, stapsgewijze aanpak,..."

    tags: passend onderwijs edrene

  • Edurep stelt collecties van digitaal leermateriaal beschikbaar van uitgeverijen, onderwijsinstellingen en cultureel-maatschappelijke organisaties. Dit zijn ruim 10 doorzoekbare collecties, waaronder Teleblik, Digischool, KlasCement, Freudenthal, OntwikelCentrum-Groen en DAVINDI.Edurep maakt gebruik van internationale standaarden die zijn ontwikkeld voor het metadateren van leermateriaal. Metadata (zoals titel, auteur en onderwijsniveau) zorgt voor betere toegankelijkheid en terugvindbaarheid van het leermateriaal.

    tags: edcational edrene Learning zoeken repository mobile tools

  • The Learning Resource Exchange (LRE) from European Schoolnet (EUN)  is a service that enables schools to find educational content from many different countries and providers. It was developed in order to provide Ministries of Education with access to a network of learning content repositories and associated tools that allow them to more easily exchange high quality learning resources that ‘travel well’ and can be used by teachers in different countries.

    tags: edcational standards Metadata tools edrene resources Learning

  • This CWA presents an approach to exchanging and mapping curriculum information for use in controlled vocabularies for metadata and to provide navigation structures in user interfaces. The CWA will contribute to improvement in the use of repositories and portals for learning, education and training by supporting semantic interoperability, data interchange, personalisation and federation of resources.A separate standard “Curriculum Exchange Format (CEF) Data Model (EN 15943)” defines the CEF data model and provides an informative binding. 

    tags: curriculum edcational standards Metadata

  • Catalogus - Welkom CORRELYCE, de huidige catalogus online redactionele bron voor middelbare scholen in de regio Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, studenten en onderwijsinstellingen personeel.

    tags: edcational repository teachers students edrene

  • "Le plan de développement du numérique dans les écoles rurales a permis l'équipement de près de 7 000 écoles situées dans les communes de moins de 2 000 habitants."

    tags: Leermiddelen methode uitgevers edrene po vocabulaire standards learning resources collection onderwijs

  • TICE à l'école primaire Contenus numériques et scénarios d'usages pédagogiques s'informer et partager.

    tags: vocabulaire edrene onderwijs collection resources learning standards po

  • "Bienvenue sur le portail national de ressources consacrées aux sciences de la vie et de la Terre.Destiné à aider les enseignants de SVT dans toutes les composantes de leur activité professionnelle, ce nouveau portail met à leur disposition un ensemble d'informations et de ressources organisées pour une consultation aisée et efficace. Publié sous la double responsabilité de la DGESCO et de l'inspection générale de SVT, avec l'aide du CNDP, ce portail exprime la volonté d'apporter à tous les enseignants des outils performants au service de leurs missions. Il témoigne aussi de la dynamique de la discipline au sein de l'éducation nationale et dans les récentes évolutions institutionnelles. Son contenu, loin d'être définitivement figé, évoluera en fonction des remarques et des besoins de ses utilisateurs.
    Puisse ce portail répondre aux attentes des enseignants de SVT !"

    tags: vocabulaire edrene onderwijs collection resources learning standards portal

  • Context eLearning with Broadband Technologies (CELEBRATE) was a large-scale 30-month demonstration project (ending in Nov. 2004)) co-ordinated by European Schoolnet and supported by the European Commission's Information Society Technologies Programme (IST). It addressed all parts of the educational content value chain and involved 23 participants including Ministries of Education, universities, leading educational publishers, content developers, VLE vendors and technology suppliers from 11 countries. "

    tags: vocabulaire edrene onderwijs collection resources learning standards

  • "Eduscol réunit désormais dans une seule rubrique toutes les ressources d'accompagnement de programmes d'enseignement élaborées par les corps d'Inspection et des enseignants sous la responsabilité de l'Inspection générale à la demande de la Dgesco."

    tags: learning objects lesson plans collection education repository

  • Le SIALLE vise à offrir aux enseignants des informations sur l'offre en matière de logiciels libres éducatifs."

    tags: edrene collection open Source education

  • ScoLOMFR - Profil d'application pour la communauté scolaire. Le Ministère de l'Education nationale en France vient de publier en septembre 2010, un schéma de représentation des ressources pédagogiques, ScoLOMFR, à destination de la communauté éducative scolaire.

    Ce schéma est un profil d'application du LOMFR, lui même profil du LOM. Le LOM et le LOMFR sont donc les soubassements du ScoLOMFR, comme pour le profil SupLOMFR pour le supérieur. Des éléments ont été spécifiés pour répondre aux besoins et contraintes de la communauté scolaire.

    tags: vocabulaire edrene onderwijs collection resources learning standards

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