All items 05/19/2011

  • The Learning Resource Exchange (LRE) from European Schoolnet (EUN)  is a service that enables schools to find educational content from many different countries and providers. It was developed in order to provide Ministries of Education with access to a network of learning content repositories and associated tools that allow them to more easily exchange high quality learning resources that ‘travel well’ and can be used by teachers in different countries.
    The evolution of the LRE has been supported by Ministries of Education in Europe and a number of European Commission funded projects such as ASPECT, CELEBRATE, CALIBRATE and MELT. It is now being carried forward in projects such as eQNet and with support from the LRE’s 25 content partners.
    Anyone is able to browse content in the LRE federation of repositories and teachers that register can also use LRE social tagging tools, rate LRE content, save their Favourite resources and share links to these resources with their friends and colleagues.

    tags: Reuse Learning Technology Standards LRE resources Edrene school

  • The ASPECT project produces recommendations and best practices for an efficient use of the standards and specifications and provides tools, services and documentation to support these practices. These are gathered together in the LRE Service Center.

    tags: Reuse Learning Technology Standards Edrene service specification

  • Welcome to this special issue on “learning objects in context”! The papers in this issue have their origins in a workshop we organized in March2005, with the support of the ProLearn network of excellence on profes-sional learning
    and the iClass project
    .The papers in this issue focus specifically on the
    in which learn-ing objects are deployed: this theme is quite varied and picks up on the mes-sage that “if content is king, then context is queen.”

    tags: Reuse context content Learning objects Edrene

  • "Deze website wordt ontwikkeld in het kader van OpenU, een project van de Open Universiteit. Beoogd wordt om alle kennis en onderwijs in een bepaald vakgebied in een 'portaal' samen te brengen. Het is de bedoeling dat in de toekomst ook andere kennis- en onderwijsleveranciers, dan de OU, aansluiten bij de diverse portalen. De site is in ontwikkeling, dus een consistente gebruikerservaring kunnen wij nog niet bieden. Wat u vandaag ziet, kan morgen anders zijn. Het kan ook zijn dat de site af en toe niet beschikbaar is voor gebruikers in verband met updates. Momenteel is er een beperkte, beta versie beschikbaar op het vakgebied van Learning Sciences & Technologies, in het Nederlands genoemd "Onderwijs- en Leerwetenschappen" (het onderzoek en onderwijs van CELSTEC). De site is deels tweetalig. Hoofdtaal is Nederlands, sommige onderdelen zijn echter in het Engels vanwege de participatie van niet-Nederandstalige experts en het gebruik van Engelstalige bronnen."

    tags: Standards Edrene knowledge semantic oer

  • "The Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS) is a common data model for sharing and linking knowledge organization systems via the Semantic Web. This document provides a brief description of the SKOS Vocabulary. For detailed information about the SKOS Recommendation, please consult the SKOS Reference [SKOS-REFERENCE] or the SKOS Primer [SKOS-PRIMER]."

    tags: Standards Edrene knowledge semantic web

  • The Schools Online Thesaurus (ScOT) provides a controlled vocabulary of terms used in Australian and New Zealand schools. It encompasses all subject areas as well as terms describing educational and administrative processes. The thesaurus links non-preferred terms to curriculum terms. It also relates terms in a browsable structure. These features make ScOT an ideal vocabulary to integrate into search mechanisms of learning management systems.

    tags: curriculum alignment vocabulary Standards thesaurus taxonomy edrene education libraries schools online

  • Strijker, a. (2011 05-18). Curriculum alignment and consistency, Building curriculum based vocabularies and learning trajectories.Edrene, Den Haag

    tags: curriculum alignment vocabulary Standards Learning trajectory

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.