"Bijzondere kinderen vragen een bijzondere aanpak en bijzonder lesmateriaal. De bijdragen op leerzorgsite werden uit het aanbod van KlasCement geselecteerd, omwille van hun bruikbaarheid bij kinderen met een beperking. De documenten, artikels, websites, programma's, … werden kritisch geëvalueerd op eenvoudig taalgebruik, het aanbieden van visuele ondersteuning, stapsgewijze aanpak,..."
Eudurep Mobile - Zoeken naar digitaal leermateriaal
Edurep stelt collecties van digitaal leermateriaal beschikbaar van uitgeverijen, onderwijsinstellingen en cultureel-maatschappelijke organisaties. Dit zijn ruim 10 doorzoekbare collecties, waaronder Teleblik, Digischool, KlasCement, Freudenthal, OntwikelCentrum-Groen en DAVINDI.Edurep maakt gebruik van internationale standaarden die zijn ontwikkeld voor het metadateren van leermateriaal. Metadata (zoals titel, auteur en onderwijsniveau) zorgt voor betere toegankelijkheid en terugvindbaarheid van het leermateriaal.
Learning Research Exchange - LRE
The Learning Resource Exchange (LRE) from European Schoolnet (EUN) is a service that enables schools to find educational content from many different countries and providers. It was developed in order to provide Ministries of Education with access to a network of learning content repositories and associated tools that allow them to more easily exchange high quality learning resources that ‘travel well’ and can be used by teachers in different countries.
Curriculum Exchange Format (CEF) Data Model (EN 15943)
This CWA presents an approach to exchanging and mapping curriculum information for use in controlled vocabularies for metadata and to provide navigation structures in user interfaces. The CWA will contribute to improvement in the use of repositories and portals for learning, education and training by supporting semantic interoperability, data interchange, personalisation and federation of resources.A separate standard “Curriculum Exchange Format (CEF) Data Model (EN 15943)” defines the CEF data model and provides an informative binding.
Catalogus - Welkom CORRELYCE, de huidige catalogus online redactionele bron voor middelbare scholen in de regio Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, studenten en onderwijsinstellingen personeel.
École numérique rurale - L'opération École numérique rurale - Éduscol
"Le plan de développement du numérique dans les écoles rurales a permis l'équipement de près de 7 000 écoles situées dans les communes de moins de 2 000 habitants."
TICE à l'école primaire Contenus numériques et scénarios d'usages pédagogiques s'informer et partager.
"Bienvenue sur le portail national de ressources consacrées aux sciences de la vie et de la Terre.Destiné à aider les enseignants de SVT dans toutes les composantes de leur activité professionnelle, ce nouveau portail met à leur disposition un ensemble d'informations et de ressources organisées pour une consultation aisée et efficace. Publié sous la double responsabilité de la DGESCO et de l'inspection générale de SVT, avec l'aide du CNDP, ce portail exprime la volonté d'apporter à tous les enseignants des outils performants au service de leurs missions. Il témoigne aussi de la dynamique de la discipline au sein de l'éducation nationale et dans les récentes évolutions institutionnelles. Son contenu, loin d'être définitivement figé, évoluera en fonction des remarques et des besoins de ses utilisateurs.
Puisse ce portail répondre aux attentes des enseignants de SVT !" -
Context eLearning with Broadband Technologies (CELEBRATE) was a large-scale 30-month demonstration project (ending in Nov. 2004)) co-ordinated by European Schoolnet and supported by the European Commission's Information Society Technologies Programme (IST). It addressed all parts of the educational content value chain and involved 23 participants including Ministries of Education, universities, leading educational publishers, content developers, VLE vendors and technology suppliers from 11 countries. "
"Eduscol réunit désormais dans une seule rubrique toutes les ressources d'accompagnement de programmes d'enseignement élaborées par les corps d'Inspection et des enseignants sous la responsabilité de l'Inspection générale à la demande de la Dgesco."
Sialle: Service d'Information et d'Analyse des Logiciels Libres éducatifs
Le SIALLE vise à offrir aux enseignants des informations sur l'offre en matière de logiciels libres éducatifs."
Descripteurs: ScoLOMFR - Profil d'application pour la communauté scolaire.
ScoLOMFR - Profil d'application pour la communauté scolaire. Le Ministère de l'Education nationale en France vient de publier en septembre 2010, un schéma de représentation des ressources pédagogiques, ScoLOMFR, à destination de la communauté éducative scolaire.
Ce schéma est un profil d'application du LOMFR, lui même profil du LOM. Le LOM et le LOMFR sont donc les soubassements du ScoLOMFR, comme pour le profil SupLOMFR pour le supérieur. Des éléments ont été spécifiés pour répondre aux besoins et contraintes de la communauté scolaire.
De toepassing van ICT in onderwijs. Gericht op hergebruik, uitwisseling van gegevens en standaarden.
All items 10/27/2011
All items 10/25/2011
Want to run the IW Microsoft SharePoint 2010 VM on
Want to run the IW Microsoft SharePoint 2010 VM on your laptop but not sure how? Check out: http://sharepointdevwiki.com/x/MYBlAQ
All items 10/11/2011
The popular social networking website Facebook exposes a "public view" of user profiles to search engines which includes eight of the user's friendship links. We examine what interesting properties of the complete social graph can be inferred from this public view. In experiments on real social network data, we were able to accurately approximate the degree and centrality of nodes, compute small dominating sets, find short paths between users, and detect community structure. This work demonstrates that it is difficult to safely reveal limited information about a social network.
tags: Privacy social media networks fa Facebook twitter linkedin
Download an archive of your data from: +1s, Buzz, Contacts and Circles, Picasa Web Albums, Profile, Stream, Voice
Sensor maakt contactloos bedienen mobiele apparaten mogelijk | Electronics | Tweakers.net Nieuws
Murata Manufacturing heeft een sensor ontwikkeld waarmee mobiele apparaten zonder aanraking kunnen worden bediend. Daarbij maakt het niet uit of een gebruiker handschoenen of natte handen heeft, claimt de elektronicafabrikant.
De sensor van Murata heeft een diagonaal van 5 millimeter. Het meetinstrument is volgens Murata vooral functioneel voor draagbare apparaten als tablets en smartphones. "Bij smartphones zet de sensor het scherm uit als de gebruiker aan het telefoneren is. Daarvoor moeten alleen de bestaande afstands- en lichtsensors vervangen worden." -
Privacy-enhanced public view for social graphs
We consider the problem of releasing a limited public view of a sensitive graph which reveals at least k edges per node. We are motivated by Facebook's public search listings, which expose user profiles to search engines along with a fixed number of each user's friends. If this public view is produced by uniform random sampling, an adversary can accurately approximate many sensitive features of the original graph, including the degree of individual nodes. We propose several schemes to produce public views which hide degree information. We demonstrate the practicality of our schemes using real data and show that it is possible to mitigate inference of degree while still providing useful public views.
The popular social networking website Facebook exposes a "public view" of user profiles to search engines which includes eight of the user's friendship links. We examine what interesting properties of the complete social graph can be inferred from this public view. In experiments on real social network data, we were able to accurately approximate the degree and centrality of nodes, compute small dominating sets, find short paths between users, and detect community structure. This work demonstrates that it is difficult to safely reveal limited information about a social network.
We have conducted the first thorough analysis of the market for privacy practices and policies in online social networks. From an evaluation of 45 social networking sites using 260 criteria we find that many popular assumptions regarding privacy and social networking need to be revisited when considering the entire ecosystem instead of only a handful of well-known sites. Contrary to the common perception of an oligopolistic market, we find evidence of vigorous competition for new users.
IEEE Xplore - Prying Data out of a Social Network
Preventing adversaries from compiling significant amounts of user data is a major challenge for social network operators. We examine the difficulty of collecting profile and graph information from the popular social networking Website Facebook and report two major findings. First, we describe several novel ways in which data can be extracted by third parties. Second, we demonstrate the efficiency of these methods on crawled data. Our findings highlight how the current protection of personal data is inconsistent with user's expectations of privacy.
Six Easy Ways to Graph Your Life
Your habits, behaviors, and the things you consume every day create patterns over time that say a whole lot about you as a person. It's time to graph your life.
Jouw personal graph | Lifehacking
In het vorige artikel ‘Jouw data zijn vogelvrij’ staat beschreven dat iedereen in principe over een personal graph beschikt. Vanuit bestaande graphs zoals de link, social en interest graph kan een personal graph worden opgebouwd. In dit artikel zal Sebastian Hagens nader toelichten wat een personal graph precies inhoudt, welke data het kan bevatten, welke belangen je ermee kunt behartigen en hoe je nu al kunt beginnen met het aanleggen van je eigen personal graph. Vervolgens biedt hij een visie op de plek van persoonlijke data binnen volgende generaties internet.
Twee indrukwekkende grafieken die je goed doen nadenken welke informatie je online deelt! Vond deze grafiek bij Forbes die rapporteren over een onderzoek van Reppler bij 300 werkgevers. Eerst en vooral welke informatie zorgt er voor dat je de job niet krijgt:
All items 10/06/2011
The Handle System provides efficient, extensible, and secure resolution services for unique and persistent identifiers of digital objects, and is a component of CNRI's Digital Object Architecture. Digital Object Architecture provides a means of managing digital information in a network environment. A digital object has a machine and platform independent structure that allows it to be identified, accessed and protected, as appropriate. A digital object may incorporate not only informational elements, i.e., a digitized version of a paper, movie or sound recording, but also the unique identifier of the digital object and other metadata about the digital object. The metadata may include restrictions on access to digital objects, notices of ownership, and identifiers for licensing agreements, if appropriate.
tags: purl persistent identifier learning digital objects doi standards uri library metadata
Security Assertion Markup Language - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) is an XML-based open standard for exchanging authentication and authorization data between security domains, that is, between an identity provider (a producer of assertions) and a service provider (a consumer of assertions). SAML is a product of the OASIS Security Services Technical Committee.
tags: SAML sso security identity authentication Standard authorisatie XML
Resultaten tellen, opbrengsgericht en datagestuurd werken - Publicaties - Opbrengstgerich...e http://t.co/Fv3cQzq
tags: Toetsen leerlingvolgsysteem Cito
SimSchool is a classroom simulation that supports the rapid accumulation of a teacher's experience in analyzing student differences, adapting instruction to individual learner needs, gathering data about the impacts of instruction, and seeing the results of their teaching.simSchool is like a "flight simulator" for educators - a place where instructors can explore instructional strategies, examine classroom management techniques, and practice building relationships with students that will translate into increased learning.Results of teachers experience are real, measureable, and include:improvement in general teaching skillimproved confidence in using technologyincreased belief that the teacher has the skills and ability to make a difference in a child's lifeimprovement in pre-service teachers' performance in teacher preparation courses and attitudes toward inclusion of special needs studentssignificant positive impact on the mastery of deeper learning capacities that comprise the readiness to teachincreased "staying power" on the path to the field of teaching acquired through rapid development of strong self-efficacy and resilienceIn these ways and more, simSchool enables transformational experiences for teachers to help them become more effective leaders in their classrooms and learning communities.
tags: school Simulation gaming education Pabo Training klas management