All items 10/06/2011

  • The Handle System provides efficient, extensible, and secure resolution services for unique and persistent identifiers of digital objects, and is a component of CNRI's Digital Object Architecture. Digital Object Architecture provides a means of managing digital information in a network environment. A digital object has a machine and platform independent structure that allows it to be identified, accessed and protected, as appropriate. A digital object may incorporate not only informational elements, i.e., a digitized version of a paper, movie or sound recording, but also the unique identifier of the digital object and other metadata about the digital object. The metadata may include restrictions on access to digital objects, notices of ownership, and identifiers for licensing agreements, if appropriate.

    tags: purl persistent identifier learning digital objects doi standards uri library metadata

  • Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) is an XML-based open standard for exchanging authentication and authorization data between security domains, that is, between an identity provider (a producer of assertions) and a service provider (a consumer of assertions). SAML is a product of the OASIS Security Services Technical Committee.

    tags: SAML sso security identity authentication Standard authorisatie XML

  • Resultaten tellen, opbrengsgericht en datagestuurd werken - Publicaties - Opbrengstgerich...e

    tags: Toetsen leerlingvolgsysteem Cito

  • SimSchool is a classroom simulation that supports the rapid accumulation of a teacher's experience in analyzing student differences, adapting instruction to individual learner needs, gathering data about the impacts of instruction, and seeing the results of their teaching.simSchool is like a "flight simulator" for educators - a place where instructors can explore instructional strategies, examine classroom management techniques, and practice building relationships with students that will translate into increased learning.Results of teachers experience are real, measureable, and include:improvement in general teaching skillimproved confidence in using technologyincreased belief that the teacher has the skills and ability to make a difference in a child's lifeimprovement in pre-service teachers' performance in teacher preparation courses and attitudes toward inclusion of special needs studentssignificant positive impact on the mastery of deeper learning capacities that comprise the readiness to teachincreased "staying power" on the path to the field of teaching acquired through rapid development of strong self-efficacy and resilienceIn these ways and more, simSchool enables transformational experiences for teachers to help them become more effective leaders in their classrooms and learning communities.

    tags: school Simulation gaming education Pabo Training klas management

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.