

Download details: Windows SharePoint Services Document: Application Templates for Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 – Under the Hood

Posted: 29 Jun 2009 05:45 AM PDT

Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 is a technology of Windows Server that offers an integrated portfolio of collaboration and communication services. It is also a platform for developing Web-based business applications. Taking advantage of this capability, Microsoft has developed forty Application Templates to provide out-of-the-box solutions to address the needs of common business processes, such as coordinating a Help Desk or tracking marketing campaigns. This white paper describes how Microsoft developed the Application Templates, identifying best practices for how to work with core capabilities within both Windows SharePoint Services and Office SharePoint Designer 2007, with the goal of empowering customers and partners to create their own applications.

Application Templates for Windows SharePoint Services 3.0

Posted: 29 Jun 2009 05:44 AM PDT

Application templates are out-of-the-box custom scenarios tailored to address the needs and requirements of specific business processes or sets of tasks in organizations of any size. They also provide a starting point for partners and developers looking to build deeper SharePoint-based solutions. The templates make use of Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 capabilities and are compatible with Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer 2007 to help make customization easier.

Download details: Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 Application Template: GroupBoard Workspace 2007

Posted: 29 Jun 2009 05:42 AM PDT

The Microsoft GroupBoard Workspace template creates a space for a group or team to connect and share information in a collaborative environment, improving team efficiency and productivity. The template helps track team member whereabouts and status, and includes a built-in timecard list and organization chart. Meetings can be scheduled with attendees, and meeting rooms and other resources can be reserved. It also enables members to share phone messages and circulate memos.

Role-Based Templates for SharePoint My Sites - SharePoint Server - Microsoft Office Online

Posted: 29 Jun 2009 05:41 AM PDT

What are Role-Based Templates for SharePoint My Sites? Every job role is unique and demanding. As people work to drive business outcomes, they have to balance the complexities of interacting with multiple systems, tracking goals, and relating to surrounding processes. IT organizations have been seeking role-based solutions that can provide information workers with common interfaces to access priority information. Role-Based Templates for SharePoint My Sites are custom templates, designed for Office SharePoint Server 2007 and the My Site functionality, and tailored to address the unique needs and requirements of specific roles within an organization.



Control your Ipod with Winamp

Posted: 28 Jun 2009 10:22 AM PDT

Welcome to the former Winamp iPod Plugin website The winamp ipod plugin (aka ml_ipod) is a plugin for winamp. It allows you to manage your iPod from within the winamp media library. It supports all kinds of iPods, from the classic first generation iPods, to the iPod mini, photo, nano and shuffle and everything in between.


Delicious/allardstrijker iPod Winamp support plugin

Posted: 27 Jun 2009 12:22 PM PDT

ml_ipod is a Winamp Media Library plugin that allows you to send and get songs off your iPod from Winamp's Media Library.



Enterprise Mashups: New Book Highlights the Patterns

Posted: 26 Jun 2009 05:52 AM PDT

Enterprise Mashups: New Book Highlights the Patterns Although mashups started out in the consumer space, their success makes a migration into corporate IT environments inevitable. Firms exploring this new software development model may struggle at first to understand the importance of mashups from a corporate perspective. In the upcoming book, Mashup Patterns, author Michael Ogrinz provides a collection of use-case driven patterns intended to explain the value of enterprise mashups to both technical and non-technical readers. We recently interviewed Michael about the patterns and what he hoped to achieve with his book.

Enterprise Mashups

Posted: 26 Jun 2009 05:41 AM PDT

Summary: A mashup is a technique for building applications that combine data from multiple sources to create an integrated experience. Many mashups available today are hosted as sites on the Internet, providing visual representations of publically available data. This article describes the history and architecture of mashups, and explores how you can create mashups for use in your enterprise. We also impart some wisdom gained from projects with customers and systems integrators who have implemented mashups for the enterprise.

MediaMosa: open source media management software | MediaMosa

Posted: 26 Jun 2009 02:52 AM PDT

MediaMosa: open source media management software MediaMosa is a Full Featured, Webservice Oriented Media Management and Distribution platform. MediaMosa is a state-of-the-art, scalable Middleware Media Distribution Platform and facilitates access to, and usage of (shared) storage capacity, metadata databases, transcoding- and streaming servers.



Progressive Disclosure (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)

Posted: 23 Jun 2009 09:42 AM PDT

Progressive disclosure defers advanced or rarely used features to a secondary screen, making applications easier to learn and less error-prone. Interaction designers face a dilemma: •Users want power, features, and enough options to handle all of their special needs. (Everybody is a special case somehow. For example: Who wants line numbers in a word processor? Millions of users, that's who, including most big law firms.) •Users want simplicity; they don't have time learn a profusion of features in enough depth to select the few that are optimal for their needs.

10 UI Design Patterns You Should Be Paying Attention To | How-To | Smashing Magazine

Posted: 23 Jun 2009 09:40 AM PDT

Design patterns were first described in the 1960s by Christopher Alexander, a civil engineer who noticed that many things in our lives happen according to patterns. He adapted his observations to his work and published many findings on the topic. Since then, design patterns have found their place in many areas of our lives, and can be found in the design and development of user interfaces as well.

Wim de Boer. nl - Eenzaam Demo

Posted: 23 Jun 2009 05:31 AM PDT

Hieronder staan de liedjes van mijn demo, de teksten kun je ook bekijken. Als je enthousiast bent kun je je reactie achterlaten in het gastboek (via contact) of me mailen...



Official Google Mobile Blog

Posted: 22 Jun 2009 06:41 AM PDT

Today we're releasing an upgrade to Google Maps for Android-powered phones. We've added a whole host of new features and fixed a few issues with Google Latitude. You can now search Google Maps for Android using your voice, making it easier than ever to look up places while on the go. Whether you're searching for an address, a business, or nearby windsurfing spots, just speak your query and Google Maps will find it. Our voice recognition engine currently understands English in American, Australian, and British accents

Wilt u zelf digitaal leermateriaal maken?

Posted: 22 Jun 2009 06:37 AM PDT

Video's met instructiemateriaal, digitale schoolborden, laptopklassen… digitaal leermateriaal is niet meer weg te denken uit het onderwijs. Er zijn allerlei programma's om zelf digitaal leermateriaal te maken of te arrangeren. Deze programma's worden auteurstools genoemd. Met een auteurstool kan snel een aanvullend arrangement worden gemaakt op de lesstof. Ook kan er worden ingespeeld op de actualiteit door zelf het lesprogramma aan te vullen. Met een goede auteurstool is het maken van digitaal leermateriaal niet ingewikkeld; de auteurstool helpt de docent op weg. "De Infowijzer geeft geen advies voor Ć©Ć©n bepaalde auteurstool maar geeft wel voldoende informatie in handen waarmee docenten bewust hun keus kunnen maken."



Posted: 20 Jun 2009 06:08 AM PDT

The Open Music Player Songbird is an open-source customizable music player that's under active development. We're working on creating a non-proprietary, cross platform, extensible tool that will help enable new ways to playback, manage, and discover music. There are lots of ways to contribute your time to the project. We'd love your help! There are several features we're proud of, but we'll be the first to admit that others need ironing out, are experimental, or are just plain missing. There's still a lot to do.



LogMeIn Free - Free software downloads and reviews - CNET

Posted: 18 Jun 2009 05:49 AM PDT

Free remote access is a reality with LogMeIn. Secure and ease-of-use come together in a powerful remote control solution that's 100% free and gives you full control of your home or work computer from anywhere you are with an Internet connection. LogMeIn is Web-based so it's far easier to use than alternatives--yet offers layers of security that others just don't including end-to-end 256-bit SSL encryption, dual authentication and RSA SecureID. Control your computer from anywhere quickly, easily, and securely. Version 4.0.794 may include unspecified updates, enhancements, or bug fixes.

ZumoDrive - Hybrid Cloud storage for all your documents and media

Posted: 18 Jun 2009 05:42 AM PDT

Cloud Storage that Feels Local Always have your music, photos, and docs with you on your computers, NetBook, and iPhone. Don't Hassle with Sync Unlike sync, ZumoDrive doesn't copy your stuff everywhere. It works even when you are low on space. Secure and Reliable Don't worry about backup or losing your files again. ZumoDrive will keep data important to you safe

Jorum Home

Posted: 18 Jun 2009 12:55 AM PDT

Jorum is a free online service providing access to teaching and learning resources, for teaching and support staff in UK Further and Higher Education Institutions.

Introduction to Wolfram|Alpha by Stephen Wolfram

Posted: 18 Jun 2009 12:49 AM PDT

Mathematical representation of data, visualized in graphs, maps and numbers

Deri Pipes

Posted: 18 Jun 2009 12:43 AM PDT

Inspired by Yahoo's Pipes, DERI Pipes is an engine and graphical environment for general Web Data transformations and Mashup. •Supports RDF, XML, Microformats, JSON and binary streams. •Use it as a "Web Pipe" or embedded in your applications •Works as a mashup command Line tool •Supports SPARQL, XQUERY, Several scripting languages. •Extend it as needed DERI Pipes, in general, produce as an output streams of data (e.g. XML, RDF,JSON) that can be used by applications. However, when invoked by a normal browser, they provide a end user GUI for the user to enter parameter values and browse the results (see the examples below) .



Computer Supported Curriculum Development - Nienke Nieveen

Posted: 16 Jun 2009 08:34 AM PDT

This website contains information regarding an on-going line of inquiry into the potential role of the computer in supporting the complex process of curriculum development.

Model Based System Development - Werkplaats

Posted: 16 Jun 2009 03:13 AM PDT

The central topics driving the research carried out in the section on model-based system development (MBSD) are models and "modeling". Models provide abstractions of systems, artificial or natural, that allow reasoning about properties of these systems, ignoring extraneous details while focusing on relevant ones. Explicit models have always played a key role in science and engineering. As computer scientists we have the obligation to precisely characterize the terms we use and to develop general mathematical theories that allow us to prove particular properties of interest of a given artifact. The significance of models in computing and information science has increased over the years. Prominent, for instance, is the use of the Unified Modeling Language (UML) and the Archimate modelling language for enterprise architecture.

Welke sjablonen zijn er voor het onderwijs? - Werkplaats

Posted: 16 Jun 2009 03:09 AM PDT

Computer gestuurd leren



Kinder baby kleding met opdruk, met naam - Joepie de Poepie .nl

Posted: 15 Jun 2009 03:42 PM PDT

•Baby- en kinderkleding in vrolijke kleuren •Verkrijgbaar in de maten 50 t/m 164 •Van 100% katoen en super kwaliteit •Met zelf bedachte tekst te bedrukken •Leuk om cadeau te geven •Eenvoudig, snel en veilig te bestellen •Combineer opdruk met vrolijke afbeeldingen

Home - Bliki

Posted: 15 Jun 2009 02:59 PM PDT

Weblogs en Wikis samengevoegd: Bliki's (spreek uit als Bliekie of Blikkie). Je kent vast wel het fenomeen Weblogs, ook wel blogs genoemd. Het internet is er bezaaid mee, ook in Hyves bijvoorbeeld kun je een weblog bijhouden. Iets minder bekend in naam zijn Wiki's, maar ze worden steeds vaker gebruikt (ook in onderwijs). Bekend voorbeeld is wikipedia, een online encyclopedie. Beiden lenen zich bij uitstek om op een laagdrempelige manier jezelf of je ideeƫn en werkzaamheden te presenteren aan een publiek.

Open Access publiceren levert Nederland miljoenen op

Posted: 15 Jun 2009 02:45 PM PDT

Als alle wetenschappelijke artikelen openbaar beschikbaar zouden zijn, zou dat de Nederlandse samenleving een voordeel op kunnen leveren van 133 miljoen euro per jaar. Dit heeft de Australische econoom Professor John Houghton becijferd in een studie die 10 juni jl. door SURFfoundation is aangeboden aan het ministerie van Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschappen.

SpitsNieuws : Oceanen veroorzaken magnetisch veld

Posted: 15 Jun 2009 05:53 AM PDT

Uit een onderzoek van de Northwestern University in het Amerikaanse Illinois blijkt dat de oceanen verantwoordelijk zijn voor het magnetisch veld rondom de aarde. Voorheen werd aangenomen dat het veld werd gecreƫerd door gesmolten materie in de kern van onze planeet, maar dat blijkt niet te kloppen. "We hebben dat altijd geaccepteerd, zonder dat er echt bewijs voor was", laat professor Gregory Ryskin weten. "Het zijn bewegingen van zout water die dit veld veroorzaken." Het magnetisch veld om onze planeet beschermt het leven op de aarde tegen dodelijke straling van buitenaf. "Het begrijpen van dit systeem is ƩƩn van de kerntaken voor wetenschappers", zo sprak Albert Einstein vorige eeuw.

Welkom bij mijn.digischool - mijn.digischool

Posted: 15 Jun 2009 05:34 AM PDT

U kunt zich hier registreren bij De Digitale School. Vervolgens kunt u lid worden van een of meerdere communities die De Digitale School in samenwerking met Kennisnet aanbiedt. Het lidmaatschap is gratis. In communities kunnen leerkrachten en docenten nieuws lezen, lesmateriaal uitwisselen en discussies voeren. Er is een nieuwsbrief en een activiteitenkalender.

Official Google Research Blog: Google Fusion Tables

Posted: 15 Jun 2009 12:38 AM PDT

Database systems are notorious for being hard to use. It is even more difficult to integrate data from multiple sources and collaborate on large data sets with people outside your organization. Without an easy way to offer all the collaborators access to the same server, data sets get copied, emailed and ftp'd--resulting in multiple versions that get out of sync very quickly. Today we're introducing Google Fusion Tables on Labs, an experimental system for data management in the cloud. It draws on the expertise of folks within Google Research who have been studying collaboration, data integration, and user requirements from a variety of domains. Fusion Tables is not a traditional database system focusing on complicated SQL queries and transaction processing. Instead, the focus is on fusing data management and collaboration: merging multiple data sources, discussion of the data, querying, visualization, and Web publishing. We plan to iteratively add new features to the systems as we



Campings in Rovinj en Vrsar, Istri, Kroati

Posted: 14 Jun 2009 11:33 AM PDT

CampingsStap in de wereld van het gemak, van de kwaliteit en stijl die de campings van Maistra bieden, de beste campings in Kroa

DeSmuME - DS Emulator

Posted: 14 Jun 2009 06:50 AM PDT

DeSmuME is a freeware emulator for the NDS roms & Nintendo DS Lite games created by YopYop156. DeSmuME is also known as YopYop DS is written in C++ for Microsoft Windows and can play Nintendo DS homebrew and commercial nds roms. The emulator its self is in French (with user translations to English and other languages). But even French version of DeSmuME is easy to navigate through menus as it has a similar users interface to DSemu. It supports many homebrew nds rom demoes as well as a handful of Wireless Multiboot demo nds roms. DeSmuME is also able to emulate some of the commercial nds rom titles which other DS Emulators like iDeaS and Dualis aren't capable of doing so.

News | HAWX | Ubisoft

Posted: 14 Jun 2009 06:48 AM PDT


Delicious/allardstrijker | About

Posted: 12 Jun 2009 01:57 PM PDT

About does two things: •It displays academics around the world in a tree format, according to what university/department they are affiliated with. •It enables an academic to have an easy-to-maintain academic webpage. A sample page on is here:

ACM International Workshop on Ambient Media Computing: Media Data Integration (MDI 2009)

Posted: 12 Jun 2009 01:15 PM PDT

In multimedia computing and management, ambient/ubiquitous/pervasive media integration is attracting a lot of attention. In particular, we are seeing large quantities of media data generated from various sources and presented to users. New emerging applications, such as digital entertainment, gaming, and e-learning, often require multimedia data objects that can be of different modality yet semantically relevant to be integrated in order to meet various requirements and achieve user objectives. While human brains can "integrate" media data objects naturally by fusing and associating them quickly, existing multimedia computing and processing techniques, unfortunately, do not provide adequate support to facilitate ambient media data integration automatically and semi-automatically. This workshop aims at addressing the various issues and challenges in ambient media data integration.

Werkplaats voor Beroepsonderwijs op het Netwerk voor Educatieve Toepassingen ‎(WEBNET)‎

Posted: 12 Jun 2009 09:21 AM PDT

Werkplaats voor Beroepsonderwijs op het Netwerk voor Educatieve Toepassingen Voor het Middelbaar Beroeps Onderwijs is een onderwijsomgeving ontworpen genaamd Webnet (Werkplaats voor Beroepsonderwijs op het Netwerk voor Educatieve Toepassingen). De nadruk is gelegd op het ontwerpen van een instrument waarmee onderwijs kan worden ondersteund. Deze ondersteuning betreft (1) het ontwerpen van een informatiestructuur van de materialen die binnen het beroepsonderwijs aanwezig zijn en (2) het ontwerpen van een interface waarmee de informatie op een gestructureerde wijze inzichtelijk kan worden gemaakt. Het onderzoek naar de didactische werkvormen binnen het beroepsonderwijs, de taken binnen deze werkvormen en het opstellen van beschrijvingen van de diverse werkvormen is uitgevoerd door Van Beek (1997). De conclusies en bevindingen die door haar zijn beschreven dienen als uitgangspunt voor het ontwerp.

Print all your tweets! Where were you?

Posted: 12 Jun 2009 08:51 AM PDT

•Print a diary of your tweets. •Archive your tweets on your computer. •Add tweets & twitpics to your holiday photos. •Surprise your friends with their tweet journal. •New: Save/print keyword searches on

Tim Ferriss - Lifestyle Design and The 4-Hour Workweek - Home

Posted: 12 Jun 2009 08:34 AM PDT

Tim Ferriss is a start-up angel investor (Twitter, Posterous, RescueTime, and others), blogger, and entrepreneur. His best-known written work is The 4-Hour Workweek, which had been sold into 35 languages and reached #1 on The New York Times, BusinessWeek, and The Wall Street Journal bestseller lists. On May 3, 2009, it celebrated its 2nd straight year on The New York Times business bestseller list since its publication on April 27, 2007.

Best Online Collaboration Tools 2009 - Robin Good's Collaborative Map - MindMeister Mind Map

Posted: 12 Jun 2009 05:44 AM PDT

Google Wave opent aanval op Sharepoint | Webwereld

Posted: 12 Jun 2009 05:30 AM PDT

Met Google Wave wil Google alle diensten samenvoegen. In Wave worden bestaande Google-diensten als Gmail, Google Docs, Google Talk, Picasa, Blogger en Sites samengebracht. Wave laat gebruikers documenten maken waarin meerdere participanten tekst, multimedia, applicaties en feeds kunnen toevoegen, op een manier die doet denken aan instant messaging. De dienst slaat ook vorige versies op, dus gebruikers kunnen terugbladeren naar oude 'golven'. Sharepoint De samenwerkingsmogelijkheden van Wave maken het een potentiƫle Sharepoint-killer. Hoewel Google het niet zo in de markt zet, refereerde Vic Gundotra, vp engineering bij Google, er wel stevig aan. "Sharepoint is makkelijk maar Wave omvat veel meer. Bovendien is het open en heeft het een federatiemodel." Dat betekent dat het protocol van Wave is gemaakt zodat inloggen op de dienst gelijk ook toegang geeft tot andere diensten.

Google Wave Preview

Posted: 12 Jun 2009 04:01 AM PDT

Check out the developer preview at Google I/O Google Wave is a new tool for communication and collaboration on the web, coming later this year. Watch the demo video below, sign up for updates and learn more about how to develop with Google Wave.

Twitter Search

Posted: 12 Jun 2009 03:41 AM PDT

Zoeken op hash tags, voor gemeenschappelijke keywords.



Energiebesparing: Automatisering Gids – Nokia werkt aan mobieltje dat zichzelf oplaadt

Posted: 11 Jun 2009 05:53 AM PDT

Onderzoekers van Nokia werken aan een mobiele telefoon die zichzelf kan opladen door energie uit de lucht te plukken. Het idee is, een mobiele telefoon uit te rusten met een apparaatje dat de alomaanwezige radiogolven kan omzetten in energie. Daarmee zou de oplaadbare batterij van de telefoon voortdurend bijgeladen kunnen worden, verklaarde Markku Rouvala van Nokia's onderzoekscentrum in het Engelse Cambridge tegenover Technology Review.

Posting Delicious to Blogger via Feedburner

Posted: 11 Jun 2009 02:10 AM PDT

Posting Delicious to Blogger via Feedburner Here's how to do it: 1.Enter your Delicious RSS feed into Feedburner. 2.Republish as a Feedburner feed, and adjust in Feedburner as you like, including publishing the feed via email on the Publicize tab. 3.Subscribe to your Feedburner feed for your Delicious using your special post-to-Blogger email address. You can subscribe on the FeedBurner feed page - there's a link to subscribe by email, and you can enter your email-to-blogger email address there.

Allard Work

Posted: 11 Jun 2009 01:53 AM PDT

Allard Strijker (1971) is in 1997 afgestudeerd in de Toegepaste Onderwijskunde aan de Universiteit Twente. Na zijn studie heeft hij zich op de Universiteit Twente bezig gehouden met onderzoek, het ontwerp en de ontwikkeling rondom de TeleTOP® elektronische leeromgeving die nu in verschillende instellingen zoals Universiteit Twente, Shell EP en in het voortgezet onderwijs wordt gebruikt om onderwijs via internet te ondersteunen. In 2004 is hij gepromoveerd op het onderwerp: "Hergebruik van leerobjecten in context: menselijke en technische aspecten" waarin het gebruik van standaarden en interoperabiliteit tussen systemen een belangrijk onderdeel vormen. Momenteel houdt hij zich bij TeleTOP E-learning voltijds bezig met het ontwerp en ontwikkeling van een nieuwe digitale persoonlijke leer en werkomgeving gebaseerd op MS SharePoint. Bij het ontwerp wordt er uitgegaan van zijn expertise op het gebied van hergebruik en uitwisseling van leermateriaal, interoperabiliteit, standaarden voor onde