"There have been too many improvements since 2.0.10 to recount them all here, but these are the headline changes in 2.2 over 2.0.10:Complete Unicode conversion, files, searching, projects, UI, clips…Complete redesign of text clips, with editing built in to new UI view and code templates and text clips consolidatedMultiple concurrent selections (ctrl+select)Type into multiple selections and block selectionsVirtual spaceTranslations – PN in your languageFlexible split viewsConverting between ANSI/Unicode properly converts current file contentsVastly improved file encoding options and defaults"
De toepassing van ICT in onderwijs. Gericht op hergebruik, uitwisseling van gegevens en standaarden.
All items 03/28/2011
All items 03/27/2011
Free DVD Ripper - Rip DVD to AVI Freeware - Free DVD Ripping Software
Easy Fast Free DVD Ripper to Rip and Convert DVD to AVI WMV MP4 FLV MPEG MOV WinX DVD Ripper is a totally free DVD ripping software that helps you copy the content of a DVD to hard drive so as to keep your beloved DVD movies in the long run and to protect them from damage. Unlike other so-called DVD ripper freeware, there's no malware, adware, spyware or viruses in WinX DVD Ripper, which is absolutely clean and safe.Only a few simple clicks, this free DVD ripper will bring you fast DVD ripping process and excellent video/audio quality. Furthermore, it supports all normal DVDs, and is able to free rip DVD to AVI, rip DVD to WMV, MP4, FLV, MOV, MPEG, H.264. What's more, this free DVD ripper enables you to extract DVD audio to MP3 music file, grab images from DVD to BMP, JPEG, and batch convert DVD movies at a time
[22 MAR][ZIP]★★★★★HyperDroidGBX-v10[GRI54-2.3.3][a2sd+][Tytung_R7][INSANE SPEED] - xda-developers
Welcome to the HyperDroidGBX (Gingerbread Xtreme Edition): The FIRST Open-Source Custom ROM Designed and Optimized just for the HD2!
All items 03/25/2011
Mediageletterdheid onderbouw vo
"Samen met een aantal scholen heeft SLO een leerlijn mediageletterdheid ontwikkeld. De leerlijn is gericht op drie niveaus van mediageletterdheid: beginner, gevorderde, expert. Op deze drie niveaus wordende volgendeaspecten van mediageletterdheid uitgewerkt:inzicht in betekenissen, effect op jezelf, effect op anderen, enmoreel-ethisch."
All items 03/18/2011
Visualisatie van vluchten van Ryan Air
Voorbeeld van een website waarbij vorm is gegeven aan verschillende relaties. In dit geval bestemmingen en vluchtroutes.
All items 03/17/2011
Examples of New Charts in Spreadsheets - Google Docs Templates
"Copy this template to try out all of the new chart types. The new charts editor in Google spreadsheets is redesigned from the ground up with brand new chart types, customization options and more."
tags: Leerlijnen Visualisatie voorbeeld
All items 03/16/2011
Rechter: wifi-netwerk van de buren hacken mag | Webwereld
"Het Hof in Den Haag stelt dat het niet strafbaar is om mee te liften op het wifi-netwerk van anderen, ook niet als dat netwerk beveiligd is. Van computervredebreuk is geen sprake."
All items 03/15/2011
Door: A. Beeker, J. Hendriks en J. van Rooijen
Uitgave: Enschede, SLO, 2010
In navolging van het European Qualification Framework for Life Long Learning (EQF-LLL) heeft het ministerie van OCW een project gestart met als opdracht een Nederlands kwalificatiekader (NLQF-LLL, Netherlands qualification Framework for Life Long Learning) te ontwikkelen en in te voeren. Het is de bedoeling dat het NLQF de transparantie verbetert van het Nederlandse kwalificatiesysteem, de toegang daartoe en de doorstroom in het systeem. Daarnaast kan het NLQF een waarde toekennen aan eerder opgedane leer- en werkervaringen en kan het bijdragen tot een betere afstemming tussen leren en werken. Om voeding te geven aan de discussie in de Expertgroep NLQF-LLL over niveau-omschrijvingen voor vmbo, havo en vwo heeft SLO de huidige examenprogramma's geanalyseerd. De uitkomsten van de analyse kunnen worden gebruikt bij de meningsvorming over de inpassing van de drie schoolsoorten in een Nederlands kwalificatiekader.tags: NLQF nederlands havo vmbo vwo standaarden leerplan Ontwikkeling Leerlijnen
All items 03/10/2011
Sharepoint WSDL - Windows SharePoint Services Web Services
"Windows SharePoint Services Web Services Windows SharePoint Services 3 Windows SharePoint Services Web services provide methods that you can use to work remotely with a deployment of Windows SharePoint Services. The following table lists and describes the available Web services."
All items 03/07/2011
Freeplane | Application for Mind Mapping
Application for Mind Mapping, Knowledge Management, Project Management. Develop, organize and communicate your ideas and knowledge in the most effective way using this redesigned version of well known FreeMind created by one of its key developers.
tags: software mindmap download opensource windows freemind mindmapping
Instructional Planning Activity Types as Vehicles for Curriculum-Based TPACK Development
Teachers’ knowledge is situated, event-structured, and episodic. Technology, pedagogy and content knowledge (TPACK) – one form of highly practical professional educational knowledge – is comprised of teachers’ concurrent and interdependent curriculum content, general pedagogy, and technological understanding. Teachers’ planning – which expresses teachers’ knowledge-in-action in pragmatic ways -- is situated, contextually sensitive, routinized, and activity-based. To assist with the development of teachers’ TPACK, therefore, we suggest using what is understood from research about teachers’ knowledge and instructional planning to form an approach to curriculum-based technology integration that is predicated upon the combining of technologically supported learning activity types within and across content-keyed activit
tags: tpack technology
All items 03/02/2011
SproutCore - SproutCore is an HTML5 application framework
SproutCore is an HTML5 application framework for building responsive, desktop caliber applications in any modern browser, without having to rely on plugins.
tags: tools mobile framework apps javascript html5 android iPhone
Sencha - Mobile Web App Development for Android & iPhone | Sencha Touch | Products | Sencha
Sencha Touch is the world's first app framework built specifically to leverage HTML5, CSS3, and Javascript for the highest level of power, flexibility, and optimization. We make specific use of HTML5 to deliver components like audio and video, as well as a localStorage proxy for saving data offline. We have made extensive use of CSS3 in our stylesheets to provide the most robust styling layer possible.
tags: tools mobile framework apps javascript html5 android iPhone
Take advantage of HTML5 and CSS3. Use JavaScript to write your code.Access Native Features. Deploy your app to Multiple Platforms
Take advantage of PhoneGap Build service. Use Tools from the community. Add PhoneGap Plugins to your project. Get help from the growing communitytags: tools reference javascript mobile jquery apps hosting framework iphone development android
jqpad - An iPad web development framework
jQPad Framework - jQPad is an iPad web development framework which makes iPad compatible websites easy! It uses jQuery and some awesome CSS techniques. Its very easily theme-able and also has some features which makes life for iPad development so much easier!
tags: tools reference javascript mobile jquery framework apps hosting
iui - iPhone User Interface Framework
iUI is a framework consisting of a JavaScript library, CSS, and images for developing advanced mobile webapps for iPhone and comparable/compatible devices. Create WebApps with an iPhone-like Look and Feel. iUI has the following features:
Create Navigational Menus and iPhone-style interfaces from standard HTML
Use or knowledge of JavaScript is not required to create modern mobile web pages
Ability to handle phone orientation changes
Provide a more "iPhone-like" experience in your Web appstags: ipad tools reference javascript mobile jquery apps framework iphone
jQuery Mobile: Touch-Optimized Web Framework for Smartphones & Tablets A unified user interface system across all popular mobile device platforms, built on the rock-solid jQuery and jQuery UI foundation. Its lightweight code is built with progressive enhancement, and has a flexible, easily themeable design. Alpha Release Notes
tags: ipad tools reference social framework javascript mobile jquery android UI app
All items 03/01/2011
4K: vier keer scherper dan HDTV | B R I G H T
"4K staat voor 4 duizend bij 2 duizend pixels - vier keer zo veel als het huidige HDTV. Dit digitale filmformaat komt over een paar jaar naar de bioscoop. De afgelopen week werd er voor het eerst een live voorstelling in dit formaat gefilmd en gestreamd naar zeven plekken in de wereld. Dit gebeurde tijdens het Holland Festival in Amsterdam met de opera-voorstelling Era la Notte.