

Smashing Magazine

Posted: 30 Aug 2010 11:46 AM PDT

A few years ago, you might not have pointed out during a meeting with a potential client that you maintained a blog. Over time, though, blogs have evolved from the being a personal hobby to a serious work tool. In fact, today, web designers are supposed to know much more than just how to design and build websites. Customer's expectations have increased, and unless you are in position to choose your favourite clients, meeting them requires hard work.

Over Mediawijzer | Mediawijzer

Posted: 30 Aug 2010 10:04 AM PDT

Media spelen een steeds belangrijkere rol in onze samenleving. Media zijn overal en hun maatschappelijke impact is groot. Het gaat er om dat we in staat zijn om oude (televisie, radio, pers) en nieuwe media (internettoepassingen, sms) te gebruiken en dat we een gezonde mentaliteit ten opzichte van deze media hebben. Daarbij moeten we ons bewust zijn van de mogelijkheden (maar ook gevaren) en van de context van informatie.

Zimbra - About Us

Posted: 30 Aug 2010 04:59 AM PDT

Zimbra, as part of VMware, Inc., is the leader in open source, next-generation email and collaboration software. Zimbra is simplifying IT and setting the standard for web and cloud based collaboration with innovative user experiences, such as a rich AJAX web interface. Streamlined administration, advanced mobility and both on-premises and hosted cloud deployment options have quickly made Zimbra a preferred collaboration platform for businesses, service providers, government and educational institutions. With more than 55 million paid mailboxes worldwide, Zimbra is one of the largest and fastest growing email providers.

NASA Nebula

Posted: 30 Aug 2010 04:57 AM PDT

Nebula is an open-source cloud computing project and service developed to provide an alternative to the costly construction of additional data centers whenever NASA scientist or engineers require additional data processing. Nebula also provides a simplified avenue for NASA scientists and researchers to share large, complex data sets with external partners and the public. To accomplish this, Nebula integrates a set of existing and newly developed open-source components to provide high performance, instantly provisioned computing, storage, and network resources to NASA's research community. By leveraging virtualization technology, and configuring the stack to support massive scalability, Nebula achieves significant cost and energy efficiencies.

Leerlijn Nederlands (in ontwikkeling) geordend volgens Nieuw Nederlands vmbo-t/havo 1

Posted: 30 Aug 2010 03:50 AM PDT

Bijgaand vindt u een handreiking voor docenten die werken met de methode Nieuw Nederlands ster editie VMBO/Havo-1 en meer gebruik willen maken van digitaal leermateriaal. Uitgangspunt is een jaarplanning. Per week is aangegeven welk open digitaal lesmateriaal in te zetten is. Dit arrangement is nog in ontwikkeling. Momenteel is nog niet bij iedere week/les open digitaal materiaal opgenomen. Samenstelling: Harmen Quast

Leerlijn Nederlands geordend volgens methode Talent 2 h/v

Posted: 30 Aug 2010 03:49 AM PDT

Deze leerlijn is geordend volgens de hoofdstukindeling van methode Talent (2 H/V). Het is mogelijk een kopie van deze leerlijn te verkrijgen via Wikiwijs arrangeren. Daar is het ook mogelijk om de leerlijn naar behoefte aan te passen/op maat te maken via Wikiwijs arrangeren. In Wikiwijs arrangeren kan de leerlijn worden gekopieerd en aangepast.

Improve Vocabulary With Vocabulary.Net Builder

Posted: 30 Aug 2010 03:41 AM PDT

I disliked learning vocabularies back in my school days, especially Latin since there was no application for that language in real life, which meant that the learning concentrated on grammar and learning as many Latin words as possible. Today's children have more options when it comes to building their vocabulary. Computer vocabulary apps have improved in the last ten years, from basic dictionary style applications to comfortable customizable programs. is a free vocabulary software for the Windows operating system. The program requires the Microsoft .net Framework 3.5, but has no other dependencies besides that.