For each subject (vak) a set of core topics (vakkernen) are defined and specified in common core curriculum (kernprogramma's). This common core curriculum is validated by publishers, teachers and curriculum matterexperts. Each core topic is related to a set of core objectives and examination statements.

Eventually for each core topic and learning level intermediate objectives (tussendoelen) are defined.
Intermediate goals for secondary education for the core topic "Burgerschap" in the subject Geography (Aardrijkskunde)
To meet the linked data requirements this means that topics and objectives were split up, described and harmonized to come to a structured set of objects that can be adressed individually based on unique identifiers.
The linked data set based on the core programs is available trough a technical infrastructure maintained by Edustandaard. The website http://bkt.rnatoolset.net/RdfBrowser/ gives access to the linked data set.