All items 04/14/2011

  • PostPost is a news aggregator for the social generation, and collates the articles, videos, and photos your friends have found interesting enough to post. It features advanced search technology powered by yolink where users can search deeply within all of their news articles across disparate sources.

    tags: rss web2.0 tool ipad service social news search

  • Turn Twitter and Facebook into a daily newspaper organizes links shared on Twitter and Facebook into an easy to read newspaper-style format.

    A great way to discover content that matters to you - even if you are not connected 24/7!

    tags: google rss web2.0 tool ipad service social twitter media

  • Google Fast Flip is a web application that lets users discover and share news articles. It combines qualities of print and the Web, with the ability to "flip" through pages online as quickly as flipping through a magazine. It also enables users to follow friends and topics, discover new content and create their own custom magazines around searches.

    tags: google rss web2.0 tool ipad service

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.