All items 08/18/2011

  • Quality education relies, in large part, on professional educators and parents having access to the information, resources, and tools to serve learners of all ages. Seamless integration of a broad spectrum of instructional, administrative and communications tools is essential to effectively address the needs of all learners.The SIF (Schools Interoperability Framework) Association´s vision within this context is that schools will be enabled to better utilize technology in a manner that leverages the promise and capabilities of interoperability between disparate applications. The SIF Association brings together the developers and vendors of school technology with the federal, state and local educators who use that technology. To define the rules for data movement between applications—efficiently, accurately and automatically—in the SIF Specification. Developed by the SIF Association´s members, the SIF Specifications ensure that data systems work together and free up educators to do what they do best: teach.

    tags: standards education Framework vocabulaire Standaarden Onderwijs leermiddelen SIS

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.