All items 01/26/2011

  • "This cloud has been set up to provide a link to a review of 58 case studies of Open Educational Resource Initiatives. From the case studies a set of Open Educational Practices (OEP) were identified. This report forms deliverable 'D3.1 Scope of desk research & case study identification' for the Opal project. Please feel free to add any comments on the report here."

    tags: Open Educational Practices OER resources reuse OEP

  • "There was an understanding that the Pilot Programme would highlight and facilitate investigation of some of the barriers to releasing and using OERs. These barriers were expected to be similar to those impacting on the sharing of learning resources which has been well documented in the following reports: (CD LOR, TRUST DR, Sharing e-learning content, Good Intentions report)"

    tags: OER open Educational resources reuse Jisc

  • The open educational resource (OER) movement has the potential to have a truly transformative effect on higher education, but in order to do so it must move into the mainstream and facilitate widespread participation in the sharing or creating of resources and in their reuse. To help in this process, experience can be gained from projects and initiatives which have acted as forerunners to this movement. Here we present the experiences gained and lessons learnt from one such project based around the open sharing of reusable learning objects in health sciences education. In particular we share our experiences of reuse, its patterns, measurement, drivers, barriers, and tools designed to balance the pedagogical tensions between use and reuse. Like many in the OER movement we promote an emphasis on the role of community-building. We also argue that in order to produce materials that are worth sharing, value must firstly be placed on developing materials suitable for primary use, including robust evaluation and an alignment to real-world learning needs. Lastly, unlike the prevailing trends in OER we urge a consideration of quality assurance and outline the role that it can play in promoting sharing and reuse.

    tags: reuse OER open Educational resources

  • The work reported here forms part of a UK Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) funded project (BL4ACE) ( This project built on previous work that evaluated the effectiveness of a learning design to underpin academic competence in a Business Studies degree. A significant concern of the blended learning design was to scaffold independent learning activities by incorporating and reusing interactive Reusable Learning Objects (RLOs) within a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). This paper reports on improvements in learner experience and performance following the transfer of the established Business Studies learning design across subject domains to a Science module. It reports on the enhancement of both modules by reusing and repurposing existing RLOs from other Institutions, and evaluates the experiences of both Business and Science students using the support provided through the interactive learning materials.

    tags: reuse ELO JISC RLO learning material

  • Deze mededeling gaat over de syllabi centrale examens havo en vwo 2011. De syllabi sluiten aan bij de examenprogramma's h.a.v.o. en v.w.o. zoals vastgesteld in de Regeling examenprogramma's voortgezet onderwijs, kenmerk
    VO/OK-2007/13731 van 4 juni 2007, Staatscourant 2007 nr . 111. Deze examenprogramma's en de syllabi zijn te raadplegen op (kies jaarring 2011). De Syllabi 2011 worden uitsluitend digitaal gepubliceerd.

    tags: Toetsen vo havo vwo

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